Introducing Inosuke Hashibira's Nichirin sword - the ultimate weapon for fans of the popular anime and manga series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. This replica sword is based on the weapon wielded...
Nichirin Blades are special blades used by and made specifically for the Demon Slaying Corps to slay Demons. They are forged from a unique ore that constantly absorbs sunlight, one of the only...
The tanjiro kamado's sword is made of 440 stainless steel, it features a flame tsuba, black scabbard, black cord handle with red ray-skin wrap and alloy fittings.
Being a demon slayer is a dangerous and unrelenting job. The kind of training and dedication required to become part of the Demon Slayer Corps could not be achieved without the assistance of a...
Perfect Replica - This katana is a perfect replica of the katana in the anime. Appearance, blade and handle are all made in accordance with the original animation
Overall Length: 41" Inches
Wielded by Saber in Fate/Stay Night, the Excalibur is one of the most–if not THE most–powerful swords in the series. It is what's known as a Divine Construct and also goes by the name of 'Sword of...